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Intelligent Relay Test Unit

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Kingsine Electric Automation Co., Ltd
By certification [File Integrity]








6c/f4.8 Tianan Cyber Park, Futian, Shenzhen 518040, China.

Product details

The K3130i intelligent relay Test Unit is a lightweight(16kg) and portable relay test set that can test various protective relays, including electromechanical relays, microprocessor-based relays, as well as motor overload relays etc.


It has 4 output channels and 3 current output channels plus with one independent channel of Aux. DC 0....350Vdc, 140Watts max .;


The K3130i intelligent relay Test Unit can be controlled via an independent laptop, supporting quick-test those popular relays by applying the software module of Test Template. And our intelligent software can recognize RIO/XRIO import & export.



The "test template" software module organizes the system configuration and test modules in a tree-node view, executing the testing process from the top to the bottom and from the parent node to the child node. Users can operate on the tree-node by right-clicking the mouse. The top-level node is "Bay," which allows end-users to organize test objects based on their real test scenarios. The second-level node is "Test Object," which can have multiple objects under a bay. The testing process is performed within the scope of one test object and not across it. "System Config" and other user-defined test modules are located below the "Test Object." Each module can be activated or deactivated, with the test process only performing the activated modules.



Add: Add a test module after current selected node.

Delete: Delete current selected node.

Copy: Append a selected node at the last.

Modify: Rename or change the settings of current selected node.

From Reference... : Link a binary reference parameter from the data of test object. This data will binding and active/deactive to current node. A linked node will appear as blue ground color and disable user operate the active/deactive selection until remove the link reference.

Remove Reference: Remove the linked reference.

Open: Open an exist template.

Save: Save the present settings to a template file



Note: The Bay is the top-level node that allows for the organization of test objects based on real scenarios. In a test center, there may be multiple bays. The Test Object is the second-level node that can have multiple objects under a bay. The testing process is performed within the scope of one test object and not across it. All test modules must be under a test object. The System Config saves all the settings related to the testing kit and is a type of test module. There may be multiple System Configs under a test object, and each system config is effective only for the subsequent modules and child nodes, not for the previous modules or super nodes. Each test module will search for the nearest previous or super-node system config to use.



For example, there are three system configs: S1, S2, and S3. S1 is the default system config and is valid for the full range of the test object. It cannot be deleted or deactivated. The valid range of S2 is under Group-1 and its child-node while it is activated, and the valid range of S3 is under Group-2 and its child-node while it is activated. In this example, because S2 is deactivated, only the StateSequencer is using S3, while all other modules are using S1. If S2 is activated, then Test Delay, Differential, and Harmonic Restraint will switch to using S2, while the StateSequencer will remain using S3, and all other modules will continue to use S1. If S3 is deactivated, then all modules will use S1 as the system config. If S2 is activated and S3 is deactivated, Test Delay, Differential, and Harmonic Restraint will switch to using S2, while all other modules, including StateSequencer, will use S1. The Overcurrent module is linked to reference data and cannot be manually changed for active/reactive status.


Type of relays can be tested by K3130i intelligent relay Test Unit:




IEC61850 numerical IEDs relay & merge unit


Distance protection relay


Synchronising or synchronism-check relays


Undervoltage relays


Directional Power relays


Undercurrent or underpower relays


Negative sequence overcurrent relays


Overcurrent/ground fault relays


Inverse time overcurrent/ground fault relays


Power factor relays


Overvoltage relays


Voltage or current balance relays


Directional overcurrent relays


Directional ground fault relays


DC overcurrent relays


Phase-angle measuring or out-of-step protection relays


Automatic reclosing devices


Frequency relays


Motor overload protection relays


Differential protection relays


Directional voltage relays


Voltage and power directional relays


Tripping relays


Voltage regulating relays


Overimpedance relays, Z>


Underimpedance relays, Z


Time-delay relays